The Work Doctor

Parkwood Village, 76 Napper Rd, Parkwood QLD 4214, Australia

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    Luke mckenzie
    June 04, 2019

    I come in for a IME (which is not a IME at all it's a lady called Tersia De Wilzem who i have no doubt in my mind is payed by work cover QLD to side with them to limit a payout if not any payout) i had a right to take in a support person as ever since my injury that happened at work i have been on high doses of pain medication / mental medication in turn has made my memory forgetful to say the least. Just to function and get out of bed without the pain being threw the roof or the mental emotional pain of being treated like a number & almost as if you purposely injuried yourself . Anyway long story short i was a active gym sports person played rugby league who also did moto cross up until my accident at work . Dr Tersia was so rude in her "IME" (the joke being independent) she even held her finger up started shaking it at my support person and told her to shut up !! VERY unprofessional totally disgusting behaviour. I never used to suffer from panic attacks anxiety or anything before my work injury but since my accident i get them often. I had on in her office from her behaviour as i felt straight away the feeling she wasn't a "independent" at all. Once i claimed down and stop shaking , she did her medical exam on my injury that happened almost 12 months ago to see what impact it had on my everyday living. Bottom line she sent the report back to work cover that the injury had a 3% effect on me in general. although i have been seeing physiologist & psychiatrist and been diagnosed with PTSD Sever depression & anxiety since this accident mentally, Not to mention the physical side of things with X2 different surgeons & countless doctors telling me i would never return to any from of work let alone in my field. So i went from a full time physical labour job playing sports and living my life to the fullest up until my work accident , to being in bed almost 80% of my life having to have family members change me put my shoes on sometimes get me on and off the toilet, washing me, driving me, basically everyday activity's people do day in day out to a report coming back from Dr TERSIA saying i only have a 3% impairment .... absolutely disgusting i don't know how these people involved within this system sleep sleep at night . Meanwhile people in worst positions then me are literally losing their homes family's and some times worst over these People who clearly do not care about the facts and are payed to make a call that heavily if not fully favours Work Cover almost every time. This whole system needs to be looked at it's absolutely appalling. Please join work cover victims support group on facebook & tell your story this has to change before more life's are totally ruined . Appalling to say the least.

    Neo Oellerman-dixon
    May 08, 2019

    Deon Te Miha
    May 08, 2019

    Josh Blackmore
    October 05, 2016

    The Work Doctor

    Our Address

    Parkwood Village, 76 Napper Rd, Parkwood QLD 4214, Australia

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